Nagi Ventures Group (NV) is a diversified group
with interests in Financial Services, Luxury Goods Manufacturing, Hospitality and Digital Technologies.
NV has evolved from being a century old family run organisation to a professionally managed multinational group, growing at 32% CAGR with over USD 250Mn in revenue and over $320 Mn AUM

Financial Services

NVG has been actively investing in various businesses with efficient financial and investment astuteness. This has resulted into creating a sector within the group which can meet its growth objectives both organically and inorganically. The Financial Services sector of the group will use its expertise through our group companies to provide consulting and advisory services besides playing the role of acquiring projects and assets earmarked in its investment horizon.

The key areas of services include:

  • Investment Advisory
  • Real Estate Investment and Management

Besides owning our own properties at NV, we partner with extended global associates to continue our dream of providing a home-away-from-home, home-as-needed and commercial places to work from, in every continent, in an endeavour to learn and provide cultural astuteness in all our projects and businesses.

Luxury Goods & Mfg.

Nagi Ventures has deep expertise in luxury goods including Diamond, Gold, other precious metals and traditional jewellery in Kundan. With these expertise, we diversified in providing affordable luxury gifts and goods to our global customers through our entities in the sector.


Through its Hospitality sector, NV aims to provide home away from home, for both commercial and pleasure seeking tourists or visitors. NV further aspires to develop its capabilities in spiritual tourism in various earmarked locations through out the world in order to improve overall well being of our customers, spiritually, by providing environments to enhance mind, body and spirit.

Digital Technology

All businesses need to get digitalised to survive in the new decade. Digitalisation requires transformation at 3 levels in any organisation, namely - people, processes and purpose - we call it the 3P's.  At NV, we understand that to survive the modern world - the common fabric that weaves through all businesses,  is ever-evolving technology and automation to be quicker, faster, better to grow.

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